Somatic Energy Healing

Reclaim your body & life force to heal, thrive & expand

Are you ready to let life in?

Hello, I’m Tessa.

I want you to remember that there’s an abundant life force that runs through you. This energy is life giving, and connects you to everything in the universe.

It’s your power.

Social conditioning, negative experiences and unfelt emotions cause our energy to become fractured and contracted, manifesting as anxiety, stress, pain and a sense of disconnection.

I guide you back to your body so you can reclaim your life force and live with more trust, freedom & joy.

With over 12 years experience, my work integrates energy healing, body awareness, mindset, bodywork & emotional release.

I want you to leave feeling empowered, so my intention is for you to learn energy work and self-healing yourself. Learning energy work will change your life forever and create a ripple effect out into the world. 

My Method

  • Energy work allows you to heal from past hurts & ancestral patterns, release pain & stress and balance your nervous system creating safety in the body, mind & spirit. 

    You’re not the sum total of your past experiences and by doing the deeper healing work you can allow yourself to let go of the past and live with more health, happiness & vitality.

  • Energy work offers many gifts and one of them is the power of self healing. When we create healthy habits we allow ourselves the room to thrive in our daily lives.

    You’ll learn energy work as a preventative tool you’ll have for life. When we tune in daily and make conscious choices it allows us to live from a place of authenticity and joy - creating a ripple out into the world.

  • I believe in forward momentum, you have a right to grow, develop, change and ultimately expand into the truest version of yourself.

    When you start to harness your frequency it expands and you can experience lasting transformation. You have the power to create your reality building the life on your terms.