1:1 Somatic Energy Healing & Mentorship

Bespoke package based on your needs, online & in person.

During these personalised sessions, I guide you to heal, connect to your truth and expand your life force.

My intention is to guide you to a place where you can reclaim your body & life force, release blocks and learn to trust your inner knowing.

Every session is unique, and people say they leave feeling lighter, more empowered and with a deeper sense of self.

Cutting edge science is now showing us that every human has their own electromagnetic field. This is your unique power.

Social conditioning, negative experiences and unfelt emotions cause our energy field to become fractured and contracted, manifesting as anxiety, stress, pain and a sense of disconnection.

Moving our awareness into the body is the key to connecting with your life force & higher self. When we connect to the body, and work on an energetic level we get to the root of what may be holding you back or creating dis-ease. 

Together, we will access blockages and gently release them allowing life force to flow more freely so you can connect to your wholeness & reclaim your vitality.


& Mentorship

I offer these sessions as a one off healing or a deeper dive healing & mentorship - bespoke to your needs.

If you choose to take the deeper healing & mentorship option I will create a bespoke package based on your needs. It usually starts are five sessions.

During these sessions you’ll gain deep personal insight and awareness by listening to the wisdom of your body & life force.

You will learn to access blockages and gently release them allowing life force to flow more freely so you can reclaim your vitality & step forward into your full joy and radiance.

By the end you will have a daily self healing practice that will support you to keep your energy clear, grounded & flowing so you can focus on living life on your terms. 

Learning energy healing will change your life forever and create a ripple effect out into the world. When you heal yourself you also heal those around you and future generations.

Contracts / Limiting Beliefs

Learn to heal limiting beliefs so you let go of societal and ancestral contracts that might be holding you back.

Clearing Blocks / Burdens

Release blocks & burdens from your system. This allows you to let go of what’s weighing you down allowing life force to flow freely.

Control / Boundaries

Learn how to end control & manipulation dynamics with people & situations and to create boundaries to protect your energy.

Body / Emotion Awareness

Learn the language of your body while listening to, understanding & releasing trapped emotions, pain and discomfort.

Topics Covered

Intuition / Self Trust

Learn how to read other people’s energies and tap into your own intuition creating unequivocal self trust and understanding.

Life Force / Power

Learn advanced energy work to connect to your life force & the quantum field, creating a clear flow of energy through your entire system.

Learning energy work will help you…

  • Connect to your body’s innate wisdom

  • Connect to your life force

  • Release pain & trapped emotions from your body

  • Heal patterns inherited from your parents and ancestors 

  • Let go of limiting beliefs that might be holding you back

  • Heal your body & nervous system 

  • Manage intrusive thoughts, stress & anxiety

  • Cut cords with people, and experiences from your past

  • Create new belief systems which align with your true self

  • Learn to trust yourself and listen to your intuition

  • Release control and resistance

  • Cultivate deep self-love

  • Create beautiful boundaries and self-worth

  • Transform your life so you’re living authentically

This is for you if…

  • You’ve been working too much and experiencing burnout or overwhelm.

  • You’re going through a big life change and need some support.

  • You’ve done all the “things” you were meant to but you still don’t feel fulfilled.

  • You know you need to change something but you’re not sure where to start.

  • You identify as sensitive or an empath but don’t know how to channel the energy.

  • You want to learn to trust yourself more deeply.

  • You’re looking for a journey of self exploration and growth.

  • You’re ready to step into your power and align with your true purpose.