About Tessa

I’ve worked one on one with thousands of clients and have created bespoke wellbeing experiences for brands such as Facebook, Farfetch HSBC and Apple. Most recently I curated an online course featuring the world renowned Dr. Gabor Mate.

I’m on a mission to educate people that it’s their birthright to understand their energetic nature - only in doing this can we start to heal ourselves and the world around us. 

I’ve trained in energy healing, bodywork, mindset coaching, meditation, group facilitation and trauma so I have a wealth of knowledge that I pull on to create a safe and harmonious space for you to explore and grow in.

Over the last 15 years I’ve been on a huge personal healing journey. I’ve dug deep and come back up with gold.

When I was 21 I was struggling with mental health problems, hiding from childhood trauma and pushing down some serious fear. I was contracted and fearful and eventually I felt apart. But I was lucky! This unravelling happened early on and it set me on a path of self-healing and awareness.

Breaking down was my break through, and I thank the universe for allowing it to happen.

I’ve gone from being fearful, resentful and small to stepping into my power, taking responsibility and living life from a place of joy and abundance.

It wasn’t always easy, and I’ve made some mistakes along the way, but I learnt to connect deeply with my life force allowing me to expand into the life that was meant for me.

I’ve made a promise to myself to help create a ripple effect out into the world by supporting people to reclaim their life force and step into their power. Supporting you to grow and expand so you can go out into the world and make an impact.