Group Online Energy Healing

Free, 60mins

Come as you are and experience the power of group energy healing - it’s free and suitable for beginners!

On a personal level this is an opportunity for you to release what’s weighing you down and raise your vibration. You’ll leave feeling lighter, more grounded and with a greater sense of your place in the universe.

During these sessions we’ll work with your own energetic system and the quantum field to release stagnation (pain, dis-ease, tiredness, trapped emotions etc.) allowing your unique frequency to flow more freely.

Times are challenging (it’s feeling heavy right?) and keeping our frequency clear and our vibration high is foundational to our personal and global health.

Energy healing doesn’t just impact your own health but has a positive impact on the rest of society.

Resonating together as a group has been shown to magnify the frequency creating a supercharged field and positively impacting the collective. 

Coming together with a group intention has been shown to create a profound and impactful ripple effect. Through the work of luminaries such as Lynne McTaggart, Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. David Hawkins, we now know “where attention goes, energy flows” we know that our collective attention and intention have the power to shape our reality.

Science now shows us that on a quantum level everything is connected by a unified field. When we tap into this interconnectivity we begin to realise our connection and our power to create positive change through our thoughts and intention.

During these sessions we’ll connect to our own heart energy, and raise our vibration together, and our positive intention will create a force field which will ripple out into the world as a powerful frequency.

Energy healing not only has the power to positively impact you on a cellular level but can also have a profound impact on anywhere the energy is directed.